Become the Go-To Agents in your area with postcards that don't cost an arm and a leg

Every coaching program I've been part of was missing a crucial thing. Real life! I took to Mailers because it allowed me to integrate my life, my kids and most importantly it built leverage

  • I believe agent to agent training is a necessity - it's like the Montessori model for real estate agents

  • Spend your time wisely selling houses and not on the backend of your business

  • Start attracting people to you instead of chasing them down

  • Become known as the area expert faster than any other possible lead gen tactic

  • Cut cost by leveraging the entire tech-stack that took me years to figure out on my own

When it gets too crowded online...

Gain an unfair advantage with direct mail

  • I know exactly who I marketed to with my postcards! Can you say the same when putting up a post online?

  • I know how to get in front of the people at 20 cents , 36 cents or 68 cents in postage. Do you want to learn how to do it too?

  • Google has been allocating a huge chunk of their marketing dollars to Direct Mail. Want to guess why? Because it works!

  • With bots answering messages and fake video avatars, how does your customer know what's real - and what isn't? Physical Mail = Trust

It all starts with this...

Are you looking for a way to make more money in real estate?

The Mailer Clinic is the perfect solution. I am on a mission to help real estate agents get their mailers dialed in so they can generate more leads and listings with direct mail and close deals faster. My training program will help you do exactly that and grow your business.

You deserve to be successful!

And it starts with getting your marketing right. That’s why I offer my training program to agents – it includes all of my best tips and tricks on how to create better mailers so you can start generating more leads today!

Am I being sold into something?

I am on a mission, but it's for the real estate community and putting a stop at being exploited...

We are being sold back our own leads

Why would an agent spend money on online leads? Leads to boot that are generated from our own listings? We work hard to get the listings and we should remain in control of the lead flow. With the onset of the internet and IDX integrations, we did a poor job safeguarding our industry. It's time to change this.

We are being up-charged by companies

I love supporting businesses however I am also a small business myself and as such I have a certain budget to work in. By understanding HOW to do something, I can cut cost since I do not have to pay the excessive up-charge from postcard companies to 'keep their lights on' and with that outspend the competition in my marketplace.

We are being held hostage

I had this dream in 2022 to build a network of HYPER LOCAL AGENTS that are referring deals across the country BEFORE they are even available publicly (because we know about homes before they come on the market and buyers seek us out for this special expertise). It's time to put us back in the driver seat for real estate.

Why the Mailer Clinic?

Check out what some past Attendees had to say why they choose the Mailer Clinic

Remember SHawna?

Before vs After

  • overwhelmed, without direction

  • heavily invested into a coach

  • trying to figure ALL OF IT out alone

  • 21 leads pouring in after her mailer

  • clear path and direction

  • support and help' in the trenches'


5/5 star reviews

The Mailer Clinic

Join a community of real estate agents focused on geographic farming and direct mail marketing. Walk together step by step through tactics, campaigns, strategies and more. We can't wait to meet you

Here's what you get:

  • The entire Mailer Clinic Course

  • My Mailing Courses for lower postage

  • Live Calls each week to answer your questions

  • Complimentary access to my courses

  • Access to our Hyper Local Agent Referral Network

  • and so much more...

Choose your plan and let's get into action

Monthly or Annual Plan


"Best purchase ever!"

"The Mailer Clinic is literally the best investment I made into my real estate business. I am growing and getting more leads than ever before ."

more details on the postcard templates

As a member, you have access to all my mailer templates,

tested and they generated leads successfully

Check out the catalog sneak peek below:

THE BREAKDOWN what is inside

Here's Everything You Get

Postcard Templates

Tried and true postcard templates. Get access to my templates and deploy them in your business. You are guaranteed to stand out!

DFY Buyer Follow Up

Getting a lead is one thing. Following up and converting is the next part of the process. I am giving you my tried and true buyer follow up sequence!

DFY Seller Follow up

I love my seller follow up because it is literally leading people down the path of knowing that I am the only right agents for them when the time comes.

A community of agents with the same focus

Half the fun is the people! Real agents with so many amazing stories, ideas & personalities! Come find some new friends inside the Mailer Clinic!

Pre-designed marketing pieces

Yes, we have postcards! But we have also a lot of other resources inside our community! From flyers, to marketing material! It's all there!

All my Direct Mail Courses ON DEMAND

I had to figure out how to mail on a budget and it took me years to know all these things. Now you can discover how to mail for 20 cents or 36 cents in a matter of an afternoon!

Access to free UNLIMITED PRINTED POSTCARDS - yes, for real!

Having unlimited free printed postcards is a game changer and not only that, but you are able to make them SMART CARDS with personalization & Lead Capture QR codes!

Access to my Print Vendors

In addition to our print portal, I also give you access to all of my other print avenues. Why? Because one-size does not fit all and you and your business are unique. I will help you determine the best strategy for you and your business!

Access to our Mastermind

Each month we are hosting a masterclass on a topic that will help you move your business forward. These sessions go deep and you have access to all the replays as part of the Mailer Clinic too! A game-changer when the best minds IN ANY BROKERAGE are sharing what's working! You are to benefit from it!


What other agents say:

"The value is unparalleled!"

"Absolutely! The value is unparalleled! You have more going on than any other coach out there"

- Terry

"It finally dawned on me that she is giving us details!!"

"It finally dawned on me that she is giving us details! Real things that we can do to move our business forward! So that is when I decided to jump in and I wish I did it sooner."

- Janice

"If you want to do farming, the Mailer Clinic is a must have!"

"If you want to do farming, the Mailer Clinic is a must have! It has taught be so much and made me a better agents! Can't recommend it enough!"

- Cristina


Let me take the risk!

The Hyper Local Agent has grown into a network of agents who have each others back. If you haven't received a lead after your first mailing of 500 pieces, reach out and Janine will work with you personally to assess your strategy and make sure you are leaving with a plan that is guaranteed to get results!

And of course, there is a 30-days money back guarantee. Don't like it after 29 days, 23 hours and 30 seconds?

Email us at [email protected]


Geographic Farming has changed my life

I was THAT agent before. Trying to find 'my thing', doing all the things you are told by other agents to do. Post more, host open houses, do rentals, cold-call, knock on doors...

Nothing really aligned until I focused in on a geographic farm. I became confidence almost overnight. I cut out travel time and unnecessary expenses by being all over the place

My little guy finally had their mom back at the park (and we added a little brother shortly after) - it felt good knowing that I have something I can scale WITHOUT needing to give more of my precious time away.

It's real life meets real estate strategy! And I need more agents to know about this. It changed my life and it can change yours too!


This is for you if...

You are an agent looking to stand out from the crowd of over 3 Million Agents Nationwide - even if you are brand new

You are an agent who's doing good but wants more & ready to build momentum for the year ahead

You are an agent who's experienced and ready to DOMINATE the Hyper Local Market


Marketshare is waiting to be taken by you (before another agents starts farming the area!)

Getting started with geographic farming and becoming successful at it, needs one thing from you.

GETTING STARTED! Yes, you can continue with video education, learning, etc. I've been down the path! I wish someone would have provided me with guidance to get results faster!

I documented everything I've been doing inside the Mailer Clinic so you can follow in my footsteps and take marketshare THIS YEAR!

Enroll today and change your business!

We can't wait to welcome you insde our world of geographic farming, direct mail and a whole bunch of real people doing real things inside their hyper local communities!

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